Tragic accident in Germany, 23-year-old Albanian dies, police: He was not wearing a seat belt

tragic accident in Germany changes the life of the 23-year-old Albanian, the police was not wearing a seat belt
tragic accident in Germany changes the life of the 23-year-old Albanian, the police was not wearing a seat belt

A car accident in Germany tragically took the life of a 23-year-old man from Mitrovica.

German media write that the young man lost control of the vehicle and collided with the central barrier.

According to the Palatinate Police, the 23-year-old man had left the lane with his car, for reasons still unknown, and then entered the main road again before crashing.

The authorities emphasize that the young man was not wearing a seat belt, and this was the main cause of death. Local media have reported that the family members of the 23-year-old in Mitrovica have also confirmed the case.


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