Reciprocity of license plates between Kosovo and Serbia / EU reacts: We call on both parties to refrain, ready for a meeting in Brussels

the reciprocity of license plates between Kosovo and Serbia reacts, we call on both parties to keep themselves ready for a meeting in Brussels
the reciprocity of license plates between Kosovo and Serbia reacts, we call on both parties to keep themselves ready for a meeting in Brussels

The spokesperson of the European Union, Peter Stano, has reacted on the reciprocity regarding vehicle license plates between Kosovo and Serbia. He said that the EU is continuing to monitor the situation on the ground. He called on both sides to refrain from further unilateral actions and immediately reduce tensions.

Stano, in a statement to the Kosovar media, said that the EU also declared yesterday that freedom of movement is the cornerstone of the European Union. "As such, we expect Kosovo and Serbia to promote freedom of movement in the region", he said.

"We continue to constantly monitor the situation on the ground and call on both sides to refrain from further unilateral actions and immediately reduce tensions. The High Representative of the EU, Borrell, during yesterday evening was in contact with President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti, as well as with the Special Representative of the EU, Miroslav Lajcak, who is still in Belgrade and is continuing the work with both parties. , he said.

Stano said the EU encourages both sides to use the EU-facilitated dialogue as a platform to address and resolve all open issues between them, including freedom of movement and license plates.

"We are ready to host a meeting in Brussels at any time", declared Stano.

On Monday, the government of Kosovo made a decision that drivers from Serbia, upon entering Kosovo, change or cover their license plates and receive temporary Kosovo registration. With this decision, the government of Kosovo has said that it has decided the measure of reciprocity for Serbian license plates, since Serbia has applied a similar thing to cars from Kosovo for more than ten years.


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