How to download and see all the information your smartphone has collected about you

how to download and see all the information that the smartphone has collected for you
how to download and see all the information that the smartphone has collected for you

08:20 18/05/2021

If you are curious to know what data your mobile has collected about you, it is possible to download a report. Below, you will find the steps for iPhone and Android users.

If you are an "iPhone" user:

  1. On the "Apple" website, go to "Manage your Apple ID".
  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. Scroll down to "Data & Privacy" and select "Manage Data & Privacy."
  4. Then, click "Request a copy of your data".
  5. Select the data you want.
  6. Click "Continue" and select the file size.
  7. The last step - click "Complete request".    

The data report will arrive at the email address associated with your Apple ID, but please note that this may take up to 7 days.

If you are an Android user:

  1. Go to the "Google" page, "Download your data". All Google products that collect your data will be automatically selected (emails, documents, calendar events, photos, videos, account activity, etc.).
  2. Click "Next step" and select a delivery method for the data archive, such as email.
  3. You can then choose whether you want a complete archive or files that come in at a certain time. Also, you can set the file size.
  4. A link with the requested data will be sent to your email. This link arrives in a few minutes or days, depending on the information requested.

You can also submit a request to access your data if you are looking for something more specific. Remember, data deleted from the system cannot be recovered./

""Information source @TvKlan: Read more at: ""

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